30 april 2008

Need for a Joint Foreign EU Policy

Ik ben uitgenodigd om eind mei, in het Europees Parlement in Straatsburg, deel te nemen aan een 'Model European Union', waarbij jongeren de dagelijkse werking van zowel de Europese Commissie als het Parlement ensceneren. Ernaar gevraagd, schreef ik volgende bedenking over de nood aan een gezamenlijk Europees standpunt inzake Buitenlandse Zaken.

As history repeats itself, there can be absolutely no doubt about the need for a joint foreign policy within the European Union. With its two World Wars and dozens of other conflicts, the 20th century was by far the bloodiest era in human history. If we want to avoid such disasters in the future, it’s necessary that Europe starts speaking with one voice. Because that’s the only way we will have our say in this globalising world, where countries with a newfound military ambition like China, India and Iran join superpowers like the United States and Russia. Alone, none of the European countries can compete with them, while together we can stress the need for peace in the world, especially in Africa.

For instance China is rapidly gaining influence in that continent by offering weapons in exchange for fuel, needed for its thirsty economy. Only by speaking with one voice, the European Union can make a fist and start working on peace in that region.

Also in the Middle East, a joint European opinion is much needed, because we can’t just leave that conflict in the hands of the United States. They are just too much in favour of Israel and not keen on finding a solution in which both parties are equally benefiting.

But not only concerning other continents, also in Europe itself, its very important for the European Union to have all the eyes in one direction. If we don’t want to end up with the United States, again cleaning the mess in our backyard, like with the Balkan clash in the nineties, one foreign policy for the EU is much needed. Especially with Russia who’s becoming very keen on increasing its influence in former Sovjet States like Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia.

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